Friday, March 02, 2007

You get what you think you deserve...

This is something I have observed many times in my life. Specially so with respect to one of my batchmates at IIMC who seems to be a born winner to me. His trick ( or what I think it is) : When he wants to do something or get something done he starts with the assumption that it will be done and then goes for it. The confidence derived not only changes the psychology of the person himself but also the people who interact with him would feel compelled to get help him in the pursuit.
Yesterday I wanted to get something done from the bank. It was not a routine task and I was apprehensive about whether the bank (SBI) would go out of its way to get it done for me. And then suddenly I got reminded of the caption above and decided to try this approach. As I went to talk to the manager I realized a shift from the approach I would have normally taken. Suddenly I felt that I wasn't prepared to take No for an answer and finally convinced him to help me out. It simply amazed me how powerful this approach was.
Would love to try it out more often.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

We're just good friends..

If you've seen one of those chain mails describing what a "good friend" is to a would understand.
And since we've become quite accustomed to using Finance in understanding daily phenomenon, here's what my friend and I came up to explain this phenomenon:
"A good friend to a girl is one who pays the premium while she holds the call option!"

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Life of an Investment Banker

I read somewhere that one the ways to enjoy life constantly is to be able to laugh at yourself.
Here's some stuff which has helped me in the pursuit:
1) ( also read some of the comments below...they are hilarious)
Will add more later.

p.s. : If you start judging, you wont be able to enjoy it.'s another one ...on a more serious tone though:

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Reading something interesting after days...

“If getting into Harvard means you need to get a social life, then we’ll find you one.” My father beamed. “Simple. No problem.”

- Quote from "How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild, and Got a Life"
by Kaavya Viswanathan

Took me a minute before I could stop laughing. The book's turning out pretty interesting.
In case u r interested just buzz me over gtalk. will send u a copy.

Of new year resolutions...

Its that time of the year when people start thinking about resolutions for the new year.
I have made resolutions in the past though not necessarily at the start of a new year. In most cases been lucky/disclined enough to keep them. One thing I always wanted to change about myself and resolved a lot about, couldn't be achieved. Change requires effort and I always somehow would give up.
However this time I'm gonna do it. Even at the cost of pain, effort or energy.
Not revealing here because I want people who know me to feel that change rather than being told about it. For those who dont know me, the updated version is probably gonna be better anyway, so why worry about the old one :)

Monday, December 25, 2006

Life is all about experiences....

Of course it is...
the first weed hits u...but not so much...for u r still here...writing a post at 3:30 AM...on GGP eve...

p.s. : It Rocked ;) First experience of Nirvana :)

Saturday, December 23, 2006


Some posts from my previous blog...found them somewhere...were an interesting read in retrospect.

1) My life ...twists and turns :)
Posted by Sunny to Sunny's world.. at 12/23/2005 01:49:00 AM

Sometimes when I look back at my life I realize how frequently have things changed for me and so have my career goals in life.
I remember my school days when impressed with all the action movies, I wanted to join the armed forces. As I grew up, a bit of reality dawned and I realised that it is not as glamerous as it looks in the TV. At the same time, IT was getting hot and I really liked computers as a subject at school. Also, if you wanted to be an engineer what better way to do it than study it from an IIT. So I put in every effort I could and managed to get into Comp sc@IIT kgp. Once there I was opened up to many more options. However as I had planned, I chilled out for the first 2-3 years. Then as per the popular trend, I prepared for GRE though never took the exam. Some of the application based comp science courses interested me but I found most of them too "techy" or "nerd" types. So I realized that higher studies in this area was not something I wanted to do. At this point in time family pressure made me consider civil services. I prepared for it for some time, but introspection made me realize that this was not the life I wanted. So started chilling out again and decided to see corporate life before making any further plans. At work I realized, that I did not want to remain an engineer or a techie for the rest of my life. Management had always attracted me since IIT days, so decided to get into an IIM. Once at IIMC, out of the options I had, I realized that that it had to be investment banking or consulting. Marketing attracted me from the strategy perspective, but the rigours of life in the field is not my cup of tea. And systems was what I had run way from ! . So decided to try summers in IBanking. If it does interest me, I would like to continue or else its consults. And some time down the line, entrepreneurship is probably waiting for me :)

2)Management principles and life.....
Posted by Sunny to Sunny's world.. at 12/06/2005 07:30:00 AM

One the things that interests me a lot towards the subjects I am studying at IIMC is that fact that most of them apply to daily life.
A lot of these principles can be applied to places unconventionally to derive interesting results in understanding life better....
One of them is:
Opportunity cost and using it to make daily decision making.
very simple example is when someone tells me to attend any seminar giving the rationale that you will learn "something" out of it and you've got nothing to lose. What I really wonder is whether I should look to get "something" out of it something which is worth more than the time/energy I invest in it. In short accounting profit vs economic profit.

I could write more about it but then I realise that this post is not giving me economic profit with the satisfaction I'm getting by writing it, as the opportunity cost is too high. ( with end terms coming up very soon)

Now please stop pulling your hair and forget the resolve of giving me a good thrashing when you catch me next :)
3)Parties at IIMC rock !!
Posted by Sunny to Sunny's world.. at 11/27/2005 06:14:00 AM

Just came back from a party at OH.... After days I feel so relaxed and fresh...
If someone would ask me to choose only one thing from IIMC's social life....I wouldn't think twice before saying that I want to keep the parties....
And why not...they combine the 3 most amazing things in this world....
and of course the synergy is achieved in the company of friends....
Given my "academic" image out here....most people feel it hard to believe that I've attended every party at IIMC so far and have been one of the first ones to arrive and one of the last ones to leave...!!
These parties are probably the only time I let myself loose without worrying about how people are judging me....It is in these moments that I live for only one purpose.....being happy and making others happy....
I just hope that these golden moments keep coming frequently in my life time and again...

4) IIMC term2 gets over
Posted by Sunny to Sunny's world.. at 12/17/2005 06:04:00 AM

The 2nd term at IIMC ended yesterday. 1/3rd of MBA already over !! Within a day and half of the last exam, I have already been to a beach 200 kms away, partied night and morning, watched a movie and touched base with some of my friends. IIMC seems to reinforce the concept of "living life on the fast lane" or atleast seems to be preparing us for the same.
As I look back this term has been full of events , with the first half being dedicated mostly to summers - CV preparations, updations, tech preparations, personals, mock interviews, and the D-day. And then 2 weeks of chilling out by the end of which I realized that there was too much lag to be covered up for the upcoming end-terms. Somehow managed to sail through them and only time will tell whether I sailed smoothly or had rough waters.
In the mean time I also tried to catch up on things I had pretty low on my priority list so far (in fact had been strictly avoiding them ). They could start from what is popularly known as bakar at IIMC to things I would not want to make more explicit here :)
Must say that this has been one of the best 6 months of my life in terms of events turning out as I had planned them to be and expectations being met if not exceeded.
As I sit down thinking and planning about the next 3 months, I seem to be short of new ideas about what to look for, although have some of them nailed down. I'm sure as I think more about what I want in life and how I am positioned to achieve that, doubts will be cleared and priorities will define themselves.
Till then, as always for celebration times "The Party is on and everyone's invited :) "